2 Full apartment 12 mainly with bath tub, with jacuzzi | Email: [email protected] | Phone: +36703600900

Blog fresh news, attractions in Miskolc and Miskolctapolca

A Miskolctapolcai Barlangfürdő története és jelentősége

Winter recreation in Miskolctapolca

In this article, we discover the winter charm of the Miskolctapolca Cave Bath. This is a special place, where the natural healing water meets the impressive karst caves, unique in winter

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Miskolctapolca Barlangfürdő
Miskolctapolca Cave Bath

Miskolctapolca Cave Bath Reopening 2023

The Miskolctapolca Cave Bath is not just a simple bathing place, but one of Hungary's special natural treasures and tourist attractions. Over the years, the spa has gained international fame

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e scooter g2fc8f69cb 1920 Lugas Apartman **** Miskolctapolca

E-scooter in Miskolctapolca!

🚶You don't want to walk? 🛴 No problem! You can find electric scooters for rent a few hundred meters from the Lugas Apartment, with which you can move freely in the city! 🤩 More information: https://www.miskolc.hu/eroller

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